Sunday, September 26, 2010

Post Numero Uno: WAZOO!!!!

Well this will be my first blog, and i doubt i can compete with avid bloggers such as Aaron Williams Focker, But I will do my best to impress my audience.  
       The other day, when listening to a book on tape with my family, the word "Wazoo" was mentioned in the text.   When I got home i went to my laptop and opened up dictionary, after typing in the word "wazoo" I burst out laughing.  The dictionary said "Noun: Informal:  the anus. "  So for anyone who doesnt know... wazoo means exactly what it sounds like it means...
     Can I also say that root beer floats are the bomb diggs!?  Because they really are, not only are they delicious, but they seem to stimulate the brain just right for blogging because although this is not the greatest blog post in history, I'm enjoying writing it thanks to my trusty cup of foamy goodness which I am currently sipping from.
    You may also be wondering why the blog is called The Fat Chair.  The reason is that there is a chair in my house, that my cat Milo, (who weighs almost 30lbs) will sit in from dusk till' dawn without moving an inch, there will often be a cat shaped dent in his stead when he is not in the chair, as if the chair has either died from his weight, or is beckoning him back.  The Fat Chair is off limits to all people and backpacks who do not wish to be clawed to death or crushed under the massive blubberous  locomotive that is Milo.  OH! and my name is Liam, but for the sake of this being a blog and everyone wanting a different name, you will all be reading and referring to me as "Milo" whether you like it or not. and you better like it! >_<  OR ELSE!  After all, I'm the only one besides Milo who dares sit in the fat chair, and this blog being my fat chair, I believe i deserve the right to sit in it.
Hope all of you enjoyed your weekend... Or perhaps i hope all of you had an awful weekend so mine will seem reallllllyy realllyyyy funn.. or maybe I'm not the type of person to hope such things to begin with.  One thing is certain.  I don't not decide not to not write my every thought without a care of editing for worry of the reader's mental health (which could be damaged by my excessive parentheses and lack of organization, clarity, and general regard for anything grammatical) and for.... Actually I think I'm done with this post.
-------------------------Your Monsterous Amigo, Milo
            .                .                
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      ;    /                  \    :          
     :    :                    ;    ;         
     ;    ;   MY NAME IS MILO  :    :         
I AM FAT      '.;_;'             
        :_  GET OUT OF MY CHAIR _;            
        ; "-._                -" :`-.     _.._
        :_          ()          _;   "--::__. `.
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