Friday, November 19, 2010

My Bhut Jolokia Death Sauce

     Over the summer, I worked very hard to create a base for a hot sauce.  By base I mean a not very spicy, sauce that would give the hot sauce it's flavor.  I built a fermentation chamber out of a straw, a paper towel, some electric tape, and a mason jar.  I then slaved away at the food processor until I had the perfect sauce.  Mildly spice already, with a hefty cumin taste and a striking smokiness.

I ordered my Bhut Jolokia peppers, which by the way, are the hottest pepper in the world.  A HabeƱero pepper runs anywhere between 100,000 and 350,000 scoville units.  Bhut Jolokia peppers average 1,000,000 scoville units.  So you get a basic understanding of how hot they are.

My hot sauce is insane! I finally got the peppers (after having to re-order them) almost a month and a half after ordering them.  People who have put about half a drop of it on the tip of a tooth pick, rolled it on their tongue, and preceded to almost hyperventilate and cry.  So it is not to be messed with.

I used an empty Frank's bottle for my sauce.  This is one of the big bottles though, my hand can barely wrap around the base of the bottle.

Anyone who wants some can shoot me an email at  
I can put it into little glass bottles and such

Monday, November 1, 2010

Those Pictures!

[words coming soon... too morning brain dead to write anything right now...]

Every day, except Monday's and sometimes Fridays, I go to NorthEast Harbor after school.  I wonder around, go to the Pine Tree Market, get an Arizona Iced Tea or a coffee, and if the weather is descent or even if it's raining and I don't mind getting wet that day, I Longboard.  I've previously said that I got into longboarding this summer, but never said why I like it.  The explanation is rather simple.  Longboarding is fun!  It's a rush, but also extremely relaxing, carving, almost swooping from curb to curb, sliding your hands on the pavement and hearing the noise it makes... It's just fun, I won't get too philosophical about it.