Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Midterm Erections! (no typo)

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Word - Midterm Erection
Colbert Report Full Episodes2010 ElectionMarch to Keep Fear Alive


     Neer the end when he's listing the different metaphors for... ehem... man parts.... but this is still the most awkwardly funny thing in the history of the world.  Post comments!

     and I will get to the longboarding pictures as soon as the opportunity arrives.


I'm buying the Orangatang Durian YELLOW 75mm 86a wheels for my longboard!  They let you do crazy slides and still grip the road enough to carve from curb to curb.

These wheels are pre broken in so they are ready to go the second I put them on my board! I can't wait to try them out, I will blog post when I do!
As for the bushing, I'm getting Black, 85a, JimZ Speed Bushings.  They are excessively large, so they give the trucks (the part of the longboard they go in) a completely new and unique feel.
That's all for longboarding...

For my bass guitar, I'm getting a new speaker cabinet! this one!

I'm also getting some new strings too!! Woah! this is a very productive week.  I've decided to get everything I wanted to get done for the last two months and just do it all in one go!

And last but certainly not least... I have been trying to find out the name of those toe shoes that are like a barefoot shoe for almost four months now.  Today, in English class, Ms. Meyer was wearing some!!! so I learned what the name of them was and am going to order a pair.  I found them for 75% off!!! only $38.00!!!!!!!!!! they are normally around $120.00 what a score!
I think I will go with this version and color scheme 
That's all for now. Adios!

Monday, October 25, 2010

My Buddy Kyle

     Theres a really cool dude in my school named kyle, he's mah' bestest friend and we chat it up before english class every day.  We chat about what we'll blog about, how his blog name is K-Unit and his blog is about skateboarding.  Our blogs are similar in that they both mention skateboarding, although my blog is more specifically about longboarding.     On the subject of longboarding, Tomorrow, I plan to go to NE Harbor after school and longboard.  I have decided that I will take pictures, "action shots" so to speak.  I promise to deliver amazing quality photographs of me longboarding. HD FOR THE WIN!!!

New Slide Gloves!!

     This weekend I went to Elsworth and bought a pair of fireman type heavy duty gloves, glue gun sticks, and  a plastic cutting board that could break a cinderblock.  When I got home, I drew out a pattern on the cutting board of the pucks I would put on the gloves.  Today, I brought the cutting board into school, brought it down to Mr. Deans's classroom, and used his band saw, and belt sander to cut and shape the pucks to perfection.  When I got home, I borrowed my neighbor's heat gun and melted hot glue into the plastic of the pucks, then stuck the pucks on the gloves.  Now I have new slide gloves!!!!

     For those of you who don't know, Slide gloves are a longboarding accessory.  They allow you to place your hands on the pavement while moving fast.  They help you gain balance, slow you down, and allow you to put weight on the pavement and off the board.  The key use of slide gloves is to allow you to lessen the weight on the board just enough that by moving your feet, you can slide the wheels against the grain across the pavement.  This not only looks awesome if done correctly, but can also save your life if a truck is barreling down the road toward you and you need to stop.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Deamon Cat In My House!!!!

My neighbor's cat has no tail!!!!! And it always has this evil look on it's face!  I opened the door to get something off the porch and it snuck into my house!  About two minutes later i heard about sixty meows from the stairs, and I realized that neither of my cats meowed that much.  When I went to look, I saw a freak of nature stumbling down the stairs with a clear lack of balance.  The cat looks and acts like it need s a tail, it is always falling over when you pet it, and it has a serious meowing problem.  It meows until the cows come home!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Sort of a strange thing I picked up this summer was longboarding. As in riding a longboard.  First of all though... I HATE SKATEBOARDING (like on a trick board.. those little tiny things.)  One of my friends from work gave me the idea to get a longboard and I decided to do some research.  After about a month of said research and a paycheck hitting the bank, I had narrowed it down to two options.
Option One:  Arbor "Axis Koa"  

Turns good at high speeds
Very responsive
The koa wood looks really cool!

Option Two:  Original "Torpedo 40"             This option can carve amazingly and has completely different setup, trucks, wheels, deck shape, and grip style.

Although both have their clear advantages and disadvantages,
I went with the first one, mostly because it's made of all recycled materials.  I liked them both about even. maybe in a few years I'll purchase the other. or maybe a completely different board.
What I want to know is:  Which longboard would you chose? It doesn't matter why you chose the one you did, I just want a show of hands so to speak because even though I already made my decision, I want to see if the opinions you have, will have any effect on the decision I would have made.  Whether that be different or exactly the same.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bunny Business!

     Is this not the funniest thing you've ever seen? I think it is anyway.  Every one of these songs will get stuck in your head for at least the rest of the day. maybe not the last couple though......
"tiny bunny briefcase.... bunny bussnisssssssssss"  Just thought I would share that with all of you!

     In other news I volunteered at the mile 2 mark for the marathon, which is probably the best mile mark to volunteer at, mostly because the people running aren't spread out yet so they go by in less than an hour.  So after that i decided to go to a friend's house, but my only method of transportation was longbording.   For those of you who don't know what a longboard is, It's a really long, really wide skateboard, with much bigger wheels.  Anyway, so I rode my longboard all the way from the Jackson Lab. to Seal Harbor.  If you've ever driven that rout, you would know that after you crest the hill just following the Tarn, there is an enormous downhill.  I thought I would only be able to go so fast because of the terrible state of my longboard's bearings.  I was wrong, I thought i was going to die, i probably went 40 or 50 mph. no exaggeration, i was almost going the speed limit.  

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Post Numero Tres:

I'M SO BAD AT BLOGGING!... Like I'm turrable (tur-uh-bull) at blogging, I'm better at saying words that aren't words such as Turrable and Brohah.  I need some way to spice up my blog... so heres a list of things I could talk about and you tell me what you would prefer to read because I dont want to blog about something nobody thinks is interesting.
Option 1:
My friends and I dong stupid things (past and present. maybe some pictures and videos)
Option 2:
Things I've buit, fixed, or made extremely awesome. (such as my potato cannon. videos with fire and potatoes will be included)
Option 3:
both 1 & 2!!!
Option 39:
none of those.. just keep blogging about random things that have no relevance to anything.

you tell me! pick an option and post it as a comment!
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Post Numero Dos:


(This post is here to replace one that was here that was very boring)