Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Sort of a strange thing I picked up this summer was longboarding. As in riding a longboard.  First of all though... I HATE SKATEBOARDING (like on a trick board.. those little tiny things.)  One of my friends from work gave me the idea to get a longboard and I decided to do some research.  After about a month of said research and a paycheck hitting the bank, I had narrowed it down to two options.
Option One:  Arbor "Axis Koa"  

Turns good at high speeds
Very responsive
The koa wood looks really cool!

Option Two:  Original "Torpedo 40"             This option can carve amazingly and has completely different setup, trucks, wheels, deck shape, and grip style.

Although both have their clear advantages and disadvantages,
I went with the first one, mostly because it's made of all recycled materials.  I liked them both about even. maybe in a few years I'll purchase the other. or maybe a completely different board.
What I want to know is:  Which longboard would you chose? It doesn't matter why you chose the one you did, I just want a show of hands so to speak because even though I already made my decision, I want to see if the opinions you have, will have any effect on the decision I would have made.  Whether that be different or exactly the same.

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