Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I'm buying the Orangatang Durian YELLOW 75mm 86a wheels for my longboard!  They let you do crazy slides and still grip the road enough to carve from curb to curb.

These wheels are pre broken in so they are ready to go the second I put them on my board! I can't wait to try them out, I will blog post when I do!
As for the bushing, I'm getting Black, 85a, JimZ Speed Bushings.  They are excessively large, so they give the trucks (the part of the longboard they go in) a completely new and unique feel.
That's all for longboarding...

For my bass guitar, I'm getting a new speaker cabinet! this one!

I'm also getting some new strings too!! Woah! this is a very productive week.  I've decided to get everything I wanted to get done for the last two months and just do it all in one go!

And last but certainly not least... I have been trying to find out the name of those toe shoes that are like a barefoot shoe for almost four months now.  Today, in English class, Ms. Meyer was wearing some!!! so I learned what the name of them was and am going to order a pair.  I found them for 75% off!!! only $38.00!!!!!!!!!! they are normally around $120.00 what a score!
I think I will go with this version and color scheme 
That's all for now. Adios!


  1. where are you getting the money for all of this stuff. I am so jelouse

  2. From working and waiting patiently for things worth spending money on. It might seem like a random assortment of junk but nothing on that list will last me less than two years, and everything on it will in some way improve my life.

  3. I like how you look at spending money - you're right - we work hard for it, and we should buy things that improve our lives! Can't wait to see your new shoes - for $38, I might have to get more....

  4. I am not a fan of those shoes. They do look comfortable but I fear they lack protection.
